Birth Support Like No Other

Hey friends! If you’re new around here, welcome to Erin Brier Birthing! I’m so glad you found your way to my little corner of the birthing space. 

Over here at EB Birthing, I strive to be your Birthing Bestie! 

I believe forming meaningful, lasting relationships with my clients helps promote and create confidence in your birthing and parenting journey. And my friends, THAT is seriously important.

But becoming your Birthing Bestie isn’t the only thing that sets me apart.

After 6+ years in the doula game, I’ve had the time and opportunity to really learn and lean into what women need to feel empowered in pregnancy all the way through parenthood.

So here are a few things you can expect when you invite Erin Brier Birthing to be part of your journey to motherhood:

I’m with you… for the long haul!

I’m by your side from the moment you decide that we’re the perfect pregnancy pair. Whether we begin working together in the first, second or third trimester, I’m your go-to gal when it comes to all things pregnancy, birthing and beyond.

And when I say that I’m with you for the long haul, I mean it.

Even long AFTER your birth, I stay close by throughout the entire first year (sometimes longer) of your baby’s life.

Trust me, mama, I’m no stranger to the hardships of motherhood. 

Registry “must-haves”, feeding preferences, teething, sleep routines… navigating going back to work, the mental load of motherhood, communication… on and on and on. 

You need support through ALL of that. And I’m your constant– Armed with an empathetic ear, resources, tips + tricks and pep talks. 

I’ll fight for you

Ideally, not literally. BUT I 100% have your back.

I’m not here to make decisions for you, or tell you what’s best for your own self + family. And I’m not here to speak for you. Instead, my goal is to empower and encourage YOU to speak up for yourself! 

So when it comes to pushy care providers, or a nurse you don’t vibe with, or that opinionated aunt of yours… I’m here to remind you that YOU make the decisions about your body, your care and your family.

A healthy dose of confidence goes a long way in motherhood, and I get to remind you how badass it is that you hold the power to call the shots.

I have ESP

Okay, maybe not actually, but I am realllllly good at picking up on the needs of others. A Birthing Bestie 101 trait I acquired early on in my doula career.

Without a word I can tell when a contracting is coming, or when you’re feeling anxious, or when there’s a sweet moment with your partner that is meant for just the two of you, and I act accordingly.

I jump to give counter pressure, and words of encouragement and give you time and space to cherish moments as a family.

When I walk into a birth, my senses are heightened and I become hyperaware of your needs. It’s my job to recognize them and act accordingly, oftentimes before you even know what those needs are.

You get VIP access to my brain

After 5+ years of birth work, a handful of certifications, one baby of my own and 30+ families supported, I know a thing or two about this phase of life you’re in.

While working with me is like having a Birthing Bestie, it’s also kind of like having your own personal resource center.

Whether you’re an analytical thinker, love the deets of all the studies or are looking for the TLDR version of information, I got you! 

I take everything that I know and customize it so that is perfectly digestible and applicable to YOU!

I’m your biggest cheerleader

Listen, mama- growing a baby is hard work. Birthing a baby is hard work. Parenting is hard work. I know that and I get that. So I’m here to cheer you on!

Whether it’s something that may feel minor… like getting an hour of alone time in this week… Or something as major as your baby sleeping their longest stretch so far… Your life, accomplishments and parenting efforts deserve cheering and celebration!

And because I’m with you for the long haul (see #1), I’ll be cheering you on well into your first year of motherhood. 

I’m ready to click glasses with you (non-alcoholic, of course) to celebrate the wonderful adventure called motherhood.

If this whole motherhood thing seems a bit scary or is making you anxious, I would like to invite you to reach out so we can talk! 

Cheers (clink)!

2023 © Erin Brier Birthing