3 Tips for a Long-Lasting & Supportive Registry

Hey Mama, don’t forget to take care of yourself, too! Your baby registry is JUST as much about supporting you as it is about your little one. Adding just a handful of items to your registry that care for you will help you feel your best while transitioning into motherhood.

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Welcome back to The Birthing Bestie Blog! Today I’m going to share with you my top 3 tips when it comes to building a registry that will support you long after the newborn phase.

Let’s get into it!

Tip #1: Start early and add everything

When you first find out that you’re pregnant, the likelihood that you’re going to feel a little depleted of energy, especially in that first trimester, is pretty high. 

BUT you know what you can accomplish while you’re laying around watching seasons and seasons of Grey’s Anatomy (like I did)? You can start a (private) registry!

You can get the rest that your body needs in that first trimester, and as you’re cruising through social media, those targeted ads know the things you’ve been searching for. So when you see those ads come across the screen with all the baby items, add it to your registry! Even if you’re not sure if it’s something that you really want, or will really need, add it!

Now, there is a caveat to this. 

As you get farther along in your pregnancy, or as you’re nearing your baby shower, and before you make this registry public, take some time to go through it. Talk with other moms, your pediatrician, your doula or childbirth educator, and find out what things on your registry that you may be missing, OR what things you have that might not really be worth it.

Tip #2: Add items that will support your baby’s growth

It’s so fun and easy to add all of those cute newborn clothes and accessories and gadgets to your registry, and while you should absolutely do that, I want you to zoom back and think about the big picture. Babies go through so many big developmental milestones in those first 12 months.

Think, at least, for the first year of your baby’s life and what things they may need as they grow and develop. Consider things that will be helpful when your baby starts trying solids or is teething, or start sitting up on their own. Also, think about adding seasonal items. Maybe you’re having a summer baby but live somewhere where there’s snow in the wintertime… will you want clothes or things to play in the snow? 

Think about more than just the immediate couple of weeks and months of your baby’s life. Add items that will help support your baby as they grow, while also limiting the amount of things that you will have to purchase as your baby gets older.

Tip #3: Add items for YOU

Arguably the most important tip here! ADD ITEMS FOR YOU.

It is so beneficial and so nourishing to be gifted things from your registry that are going to help support YOU in those early postpartum days.

Add things like extra peri bottles, breastfeeding-friends tops, and pajamas… a comfy robe to wear for easy skin-to-skin. Include things that are going to help aid in your physical recovery, like pads and diapers for mom (postpartum hack: check out FridaMom and all the things they have to offer for postpartum recovery).

As a new mom, or any mom, you might feel a little hesitant in doing this, but listen, Mama, the people who are going to be looking through your registry with inventions to gift something to you are people in your life who love you. They’re not only excited about this new baby and showering them with gifts, but they care about you and want you to feel good too!

And if you need a little help or inspiration on what types of things to add for you, I’ve got you covered. Head over to ebbirthing.com/resources-for-mama to download your own Mama’s Registry, filled with so many great ideas on what to add, including doula services, lactation services, bathroom essentials and more!

Please, I cannot stress this enough, remember yourself when you are making this registry! People that love and care about you want to shower YOU with gifts, and they want you to feel good in those postpartum days too.

Well, Mama, that’s a wrap on my top 3 Ways to Build a Long-Lasting and Supportive Registry. Don’t forget to head over to ebbirthing.com/reources-for-mama to get all the registry inspo you need!

And if you need a little extra support in any aspect of your motherhood journey, I’m just a click away. Reach out any time at ebbirthing@gmail.com or slide into my DMs on Instagram @ebbirthing

Until next time, Mama!

2023 © Erin Brier Birthing