The Birthing Bestie Blog

A resource space for every mama to feel confident, educated and supported throughout pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and into motherhood.


Trigger Warning: Pregnancy Loss

As I continue to process and share my experience with my loss, I’m gathering and sharing silver linings found along the way. Even in the depths of grief, there is still much to be grateful for.


it’s pretty easy to get wrapped up in our day-to-day tasks without actually stopping to say a simple “thank you” for all the little things that your partner does throughout their days to help and support you.


I would love to know. Who of these five people on your team? Do you have all five people or maybe more on your team? What does that look like for you? Share with me.


Oftentimes, the self-care that we really need is the stuff that is easiest to dismiss and push away. So what I’m going to share with you today is what I call, the BASICS of self-care.


Community is a huge aspect of life. As people, we want to connect with others, and as you go and grow through different chapters of life, it’s important to maintain and foster a strong community of people to love and support you!


It’s no secret that life gets a little more complicated when you bring a new baby home. In this Partner Perspective, Matt is sharing some of his postpartum dad hacks to help make life feel a little smoother in those early newborn days!


Hey Mama, don’t forget to take care of yourself, too! Your baby registry is JUST as much about supporting you as it is about your little one. Adding just a handful of items to your registry that care for you will help you feel your best while transitioning into motherhood.


Being a doula comes with a lot of unexpected duties and unpredictable schedules, but #DoulaLife can be just as interesting to navigate for doula’s partners as it is for us birth workers. See what my partner, Matt, thinks about this wild life of doula work.


As a new mama, you might want to capture those brand new moments with the help of a pro. Enjoy this Q+A with Stork Creations Birth Photography to learn how to have the best newborn photoshoot.

2023 © Erin Brier Birthing