I would love to know. Who of these five people on your team? Do you have all five people or maybe more on your team? What does that look like for you? Share with me.
I’m bringing Matt back to the Birthing Bestie Blog again this month for another Partner Perspective. He’s sharing about his main takeaways from The Empowered Pregnancy Membership, and what lessons he brought with him into the delivery room!
The Empowered Pregnancy Membership is my childbirth education support and community that I offer to anyone, near and far.
A membership tailored to families who are planning to deliver their baby in the hospital setting.
Community is a huge aspect of life. As people, we want to connect with others, and as you go and grow through different chapters of life, it’s important to maintain and foster a strong community of people to love and support you!
2023 © Erin Brier Birthing