The Birthing Bestie Blog

A resource space for every mama to feel confident, educated and supported throughout pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and into motherhood.


These tips can help you open lines of communication and have more productive conversations about your birth preferences.

When it comes to discussing your birth plan, how you ask questions is just as important as the questions themselves


When you arrive at your client’s birthplace, knowing how and when to start supporting your client can feel overwhelming or intimidating. Here’s my go-to process for arriving at the birth space, acclimating to the environment, and jumping in for support.


Birth plans are great, wonderful, and important, but postpartum plans are really important, too. 

The great news is that all of these things can be done prenatally to set you up better for that fourth trimester when you come home with your baby.


No matter if you plan to be unavailable, or life just… happens, it’s important to have a solid backup and people you feel really comfortable leaving your clients with if it’s not you. 

Here are some ways that you can go about making sure you have that solid backup.


Did you know that the average length of a doula’s career is only five years?

Let’s talk about how you can avoid burnout in your birth business, and what kinds of things we should be doing and considering as doulas to make sure that we can continue to do this work as long as it lights our soul on fire.


Trigger Warning: Pregnancy Loss

As I continue to process and share my experience with my loss, I’m gathering and sharing silver linings found along the way. Even in the depths of grief, there is still much to be grateful for.


it’s pretty easy to get wrapped up in our day-to-day tasks without actually stopping to say a simple “thank you” for all the little things that your partner does throughout their days to help and support you.


I would love to know. Who of these five people on your team? Do you have all five people or maybe more on your team? What does that look like for you? Share with me.


I primarily attend births in the hospital, and with that, I rely on the fact that hospitals have just about any and everything that I need to support a client there. So I don’t bring a whole lot of things specifically for supporting my clients. 


It can be intimidating knowing that so much about birth is uncertain and unknown. It is so true when we say “no two births are alike.”

So today on the blog, I just want this to be an appreciation post for nurses and hospital staff.


Today, we’re talking about changing your mind, and I’m bringing you a friendly reminder that It’s always okay to change your mind. Now, I think this is something that we can apply to all aspects of life, but certainly in parenthood and most certainly in business.


I’m bringing Matt back to the Birthing Bestie Blog again this month for another Partner Perspective. He’s sharing about his main takeaways from The Empowered Pregnancy Membership, and what lessons he brought with him into the delivery room!


You might be wondering: What is a birth philosophy? Well, a philosophy in itself is essentially the fundamental understanding of yourself. So when we are talking about a birth philosophy, we are talking about how you actually feel and think and understand birth to be in your own experience.


Oftentimes, the self-care that we really need is the stuff that is easiest to dismiss and push away. So what I’m going to share with you today is what I call, the BASICS of self-care.


The Empowered Pregnancy Membership is my childbirth education support and community that I offer to anyone, near and far. 
A membership tailored to families who are planning to deliver their baby in the hospital setting.


Community is a huge aspect of life. As people, we want to connect with others, and as you go and grow through different chapters of life, it’s important to maintain and foster a strong community of people to love and support you!


When it comes to the care you receive during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum, you have options. Take a listen if you want to know what and who they are!

The most important thing to consider when choosing a care provider is that you feel:
– heard
– respected
– supported


It’s no secret that life gets a little more complicated when you bring a new baby home. In this Partner Perspective, Matt is sharing some of his postpartum dad hacks to help make life feel a little smoother in those early newborn days!


Whether you dream of the day you quit your 9-5 and run full force as a Doulapreneur or you’re feeling stagnant in your birth biz as it currently stands, these four tips will help you up-level your business, no matter where you’re at in your Doulaprenuer journey!


Hey Mama, don’t forget to take care of yourself, too! Your baby registry is JUST as much about supporting you as it is about your little one. Adding just a handful of items to your registry that care for you will help you feel your best while transitioning into motherhood.


Being a doula comes with a lot of unexpected duties and unpredictable schedules, but #DoulaLife can be just as interesting to navigate for doula’s partners as it is for us birth workers. See what my partner, Matt, thinks about this wild life of doula work.


Water plays an important role for our body and our baby’s development. Good hydration habits have so many benefits for pregnancy, but being IN water while pregnant also has some perks, too!


Practicing intentional communication is an important aspect of parenting. In this Birthing Bestie Blog, I’m bringing in my husband to give his Partner Perspective on how our communication practices have helped him during pregnancy, birth and even now, two years postpartum.


Getting into a positive birth mindset is a crucial part of preparing for labor and delivery. In this Birthing Bestie Blog, we’re dissecting the 3 P’s of Cultivating a Positive Birth Mindset so that you can move negative feelings and emotions before, during and after birth.

2023 © Erin Brier Birthing